Who we are

ADMaiora is a company that provides educational services for cultural events, museums and temporary exhibitions. It was founded in March 2015by the very same people of ADM - AssociazioneDidatticaMuseale, a non profit organization that has been managing the Educational Department  of the Natural History Museum of Milansince 1994.

What we do

• Educational Services for Museums, Natural Parks and cultural events;
• Additional services for cultural events (booking service and information point, ticket office, security guard, cloakroom, bookshop);
• Design of museum interactive exhibits;
• Design and development of didactical aids and materials for teachers;
• Communication (promotion and press office service);
• Publishing products (textbooks, teaching dossier, thematic studies).

How we work

Being a museum educator does not simply mean to bring visitorsto see an exhibition. It means transmit culture, excite,amuse, empathize with your audiences. It means finding the best communication approach so that different kind of public can feel comfortable in museums or exhibitions.
We believe, due to feedbacks from visitors, that our work can bea powerful toolfor the enjoyment of a cultural experience. This is achieved maintaining constantly the artworks and specimens as the main protagonists.Our museum educators are mediators between the concept developed by the curators (with whom we work very closely), the artists and the specimens, being them artistic or naturalistic, and the various public.


ADMaiora explainers, as well as having a solid disciplinary training (degree of competence in the field) and practical experience gained in the field, follow a training course on teaching methodology based on hands-on approach, informal learning and “edutainment”.
This approach transform a guided tour, a workshop, an event with ADMaiora in an interesting, emotionally and intellectually fun and engaging moment.We believe that, in this way, the cultural content of an exhibition or event remains deeper in the visitors.